Simon, Seymour. 1992. OUR SOLAR SYSTEM. New York, NY: William Morrow & Company, Inc. ISBN: 0688099920.
Simon, an award-winning author, explores our neighbors in space in this interesting, fact-filled book containing over 50 dramatic full-color photos and an easy-to-read text. Readers experience a sweeping tour of the planets, moons, asteroids, meteoroids, and comets that travel around the sun.
Simon is an acclaimed, award-winning author of children's informational books about Science. He starts out this book in easy-to-read, large text describing The Milky Way and its Sun while presenting graphs, charts and vivid photos to capture the reader's interest as well as portray the scientific facts. "The blazing sun blasted away the nearby gases and dust into a spinning oval ring." The book is very well organized as the author travels throughout our solar system giving brief descriptions and interesting facts about each of the planets and their moons. "The Romans named the brilliant planet Venus after their goddess of love and beauty (because) it is the brightest object in the night sky after our moon." He also introduces us to the asteroid belt where he describes asteroids-"minor planets", comets-"dirty snowballs" and meteoroids-"bright streaks of light." Simon's brilliant use of photographs enhances his readers' experience as they gain knowledge throughout the book. The graphic chart/illustration displayed under the front and back covers also provides the reader with fascinating information.
"This title's eye-catching illustrations and understandable text should encourage
young readers to look for further information."-Elaine Fort Weischedel, Turner
Free Library, Randolph, MA
"One of those "must have" books for children's nonfiction collections, this will be useful as well as beautiful for years to come."-Carolyn Phelan
1992 ALA Notable Book
Seymour Simon is the author of over one hundred children's books about Science. His award-winning books include STORMS, VOLCANOES, EARTHQUAKES, ICEBERGS AND GLACIERS. He also has written books with more detailed information on the individual planets to get a more in-depth overview.
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